Thursday, May 7, 2009

[K'nex] Intruder

I started working on a block brake system for k'nex a week ago, and I decided to build a coaster around it, a small one.

I will post a few pictures with some explanation.

The brake is closed

The Brake is open

A sexy view on the drop and supports

The other half

And an overview

I enjoy building this one!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I just reached 1000 page hits today!

Let's celebrate with a new blog post tomorrow since I haven't updated in a while!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I entered a competition on a coaster site, we have to build an Intamin Blitzcoaster like Maverick.

I don't see it as a competition anymore since I really happy with my design, I rather have a nice coaster and not win, than rush it and make it ugly. I'm half way through supporting the lot, which is already taking up 2 days.

I got a couple of pictures from old to new.





I really like the supports so far, they are quite realistic, and the color scheme is great too.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cooking with Max (more like freezing though)

I'm making ice cream at home, it's really "fon-to-due".
So I bought me 2 liters of yogurt, a melon, cream and a couple of lemons. When I got home, I grabbed my old blender and started pouring in the ingredients. I did put in a little bit too much lemon juice though, it's a little acidic at the moment, but it tastes really fresh though which is nice when they days are getting longer and when the temperature starts rising. I need to stir it every 2 hours for +/-6 hours. This will stop the crystallizing of the water and yogurt. The last thing you want is concrete ice cream. The melon ice is nearly done, but the banana doesn't really want to solidify. So I have to stay up late to stir it till it's done.

I'm pretty sure you all have water running down your mouth because of this delicious ice cream I'm making. So I won't hassle to give you my recipe! And here is a little fun thing for you dutchies! I will post it in dutch too, only on a rare occasion though!

Here we go,
The English version:

What you need:
-little box
-Fruit (Any fruit really I'll use melon for this recipe, it's a bit of a guess to get the right quantities, 1 melon to 1 liter of yogurt would do. 2 or 3 bananas to 1 liter of yogurt.)
-Yogurt, (1 liter)
-Lemons (1 melon per liter)
-Cream(100ml), the one you can whisk for whipped cream. (Not really needed, just a nice addition)
-Sugar, lot's of it. (By guess really, depends on how sweet you want it, I used +/- 7 spoons for little over 1 liter.)
- Bit of water, not needed, this will give it more sorbet-ish taste.
-A blender

The actual work:
Step1: Cut the fruit to cubes. And squeeze out the lemon juice.

Step2: Poor in yogurt in the blender, be careful not more than half of the blender's capacity. Now add the fruit, not all at once since you most likely will have to blend multiple times because it doesn't fit all at once. Also add a little bit of water and half of the cream. Add half of the lemon juice and a few spoons of sugar +/- 3.

Step3: Blend it all down till you have a smooth mix without any chunks.

Step4: Poor it in the box.

Step5: Repeat step 2, 3 and 4 till you got your desired amount.

Step6: Put the box in the fridge and give it a whisk, now the fun part comes, you will HAVE TO stir it every 2 or 3 hours till it is completely solidified! Don't forget your ice cream or you might end up with frozen a block of concrete that tastes like fruit!

Step7: When it is completely solidified, Enjoy!

NOTE:The thicker the layer in the box, the longer it takes to solidify.
(I didn't test it with chocolate yet, but I guess it would work too.)

De Nederlandse Versie:

-Een bakje
-Fruit, kies maar uit, ik gebruik meloen als voorbeeld. De hoeveelheden zijn niet precies en komt grotendeels neer op gevoel. 1 meloen is genoeg voor 1 liter ijs. 2 á 3 bananen zijn genoeg voor 1 liter ijs.
-Yoghurt, (1 liter)
-Citroenen (1 citroen per liter)
-(Slag)Room (100ml), hoeft niet per sé maar is wel lekker.
-Suiker, veel suiker. Ongeveer 7 eetlepels per liter.
-Beetje water, echt niet veel, hoeft niet maar dit zorgt ervoor dat het meer sorbet-achtig word.

Aan de slag:

Stap1: Snij het fruit in blokjes en pers de citroenen uit.

Stap2: Vul de blender tot de helft met yoghurt, voeg het fruit toe, niet alles in 1 keer, je zal waarschijnlijk meerdere keren moeten blenderen. Voeg een klein beetje water toe en wat citroensap. Schep +/- 3 scheppen suiker erbij.

Stap3: Blender het geheel tot er geen stukjes meer in zitten.

Stap4: Doe de mix in het bakje.

Stap5: Herhaal stap 2,3 en 4 tot je de hoeveelheid hebt die je wilt maken.

Stap6: Doe de bak in de vriezer en roer het nog een laatste keer door. Nu het leukste gedeelte, je MOET elke 2 á 3 uur roeren tot het geheel helemaal gestold is.
Vergeet dit niet, anders eindig je met een bevroren blok steen met een smaakje.

Stap7: Als het geheel uitgehard is, Eet Smakelijk!

Letop: Hoe dikker de laag in het bakje, des te langer duurt het voordat je ijs klaar is.
(Ik heb dit nog niet getest met chocolade, maar ik denk dat dat ook wel lukt.)

Enjoy your ice cream!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Back in Action!

Finally, my Internet works properly again. For some reason I couldn't login to my blogspot account thus being unable to post a new entry, but here we go.

I got a whole list of short entries here so let's get on with it:

-Since my last entry I received a lot of marks for the tests I made during testweek.
The lowest being a 7.3/10 till now, unless German is worse, but I'm not sure about that mark yet.

-That being said, I'm glad to announce that my mate Robin is talking again! Congrats dude!

-Alex finally bought a band shirt and he is now part of the "club"

-I coded some more in Lua and added and cleaned some code.

-We need make a presentation for Chemistry and it has to be done before Tuesday. We really are gonna rush tomorrow since we are far from finished. We were supposed to work on it last Saturday but my friend decided he would go help setting up a party for his grandma... He could've called me for friggin' f*ck. I was waiting all day for him to show up until I took the initiative and called him. If I'd known this before I would have worked some more for Klien! So I'd like to thank Bram for preventing me from earning money!

-Me and a couple of the girls are going to see Slumdog Millionaire. Most likely next Friday since we are all off then.

-Last but not least I'd like to dedicate this entry to "Lonnie" or also known as Lonneke because she "asked" for it. Also Patty for discovering my blog.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The End.

Testweek is over, so back to regular bio-rhythms. But first I'm gonna enjoy a "long" weekend, I was home early today and Monday I got the first 2 hours off, as usual.

Tonight I'm going to the theater and tomorrow I'm going to Patty since she is giving a late-birthday party.

O shi- I still need to buy a card, I'll do that first when I finish writing this entry.

Rest of the week will be coding in Lua, learning Lua, trial and error and lots of testing.
I also "converted" my code to the new WIP gamemode base (fretta) that is being developed.
It increased my productivity by quite a lot, in 2 hours I got it converted and even fixed me the laser-swep. (I still have no clue how to make effects, so I looked at other people's code and used it as an example, well at least I got me some effects!)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I'm the progress on learning Lua is slowly advancing, I have the derma panel set-up + the player loud-out.

It's all basic stuff right now and for the final gamemode is far from finished, right now I want to get my swep to work and I got 1 guy helping me, though I really have no clue what everything does, so I am looking at examples a lot.

The hardest part is getting a good weapon HUD and fixing the Laser effect.

Wish me luck! :-)